Title:Project officer
Job Description:
Handle comprehensive business related to allocate school budget
Handle the applications of fixed assets acquisition、improvement 、 expansion and create the report
Handle comprehensive business of cooperative education’s administration fees and fund balance [category H]
Manage school funding expenditures [category T/LB], the expense come from Office of General Affairs、division of Campus Planning (engineering project)、 College of Arts and Environment Protection and Occupational Safety and Sanitation Center
Manage the cooperative education’s administration fees and fund balance expenditures [category H], the expense come from Office of Secretary、Office of General Affairs、Office of Student Affairs、Office of Accounting 、College of Art and Environment Protection and Occupational Safety and Sanitation Center
Manage engineering project expenditures [category 1, 2] on education building and north campus dormitory
Handle comprehensive business of school funding [category T]
Plan and coordinate accounting system for each department/office
Temporary assignments